25 Mar 2025| Online

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 Women in Public Technology

Tuesday, 25th March 2025 | Online

Three million individuals power the UK technology sector. Yet, within this thriving industry, female representation remains stubbornly low -- only 26% of these tech enthusiasts are women, and just 5% find themselves in leadership positions.

There is no exception when it comes to the persistence of the gender gap for women working in public technology. Gender leadership gaps in the traditionally male-dominated field of technology have both visible and invisible barriers that continue to hold women back.  Furthermore, there is marked lack of data and support addressing the specific circumstances of women working in public technology.

The unique Women in Public Technology conference seeks to address this gap and support next-generation female leaders in the sector. The event will bring together current and future leaders from across the sector to examine the role of women in public technology and the current and future challenges to leadership. Over the course of the day, senior leaders will offer guidance, coaching, and inspiration for further developing your career, reaching empowerment and fulfilling your potential.

Why attend?

  • Examine the barriers currently facing female leaders (and future leaders) in public technology and hear how to overcome them
  • Understand when and how gender plays a role in both organisational and personal advancement
  • Learn how successful women negotiate what they need to be effective leaders
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the skills, qualities and attributes needed to be a successful leader
  • Raise the visibility of women as senior leaders in public technology
  • Create a lasting network of women leaders across the sector who are effecting change in public technology


Who should attend?

The Women in Public Technology conference is aimed at all those who aspire to move into a leadership role or those already in a senior role looking to progress. Presentations and workshops offer practical advice and coaching relevant to all women across the public technology sector.


Sponsorship opportunities

Looking for additional exposure to the public sector tech sector? We have a number of sponsorship opportunities perfect for those businesses looking to build a lasting impression within the Women in Public Technology event arena.

Download our sponsorship options pdf 


Chair's Introduction


Women across the public technology sector: exploring the landscape

  • Understanding why women are underrepresented in senior positions
  • Exploring the cultural and practical obstacles to career progression leadership 

SPEAKER: Laura Bouchard, EMEIA Partnerships & Industries Lead, Apple and Board Member; University of Surrey, Department of Computing


Positioning yourself as a leader: a practical toolkit

  • Developing and maintaining a growth mindset amidst challenges or adversity 
  • Pitching your skills and putting yourself forward 
  • Identifying your unique skills and priorities to build a personal brand 
  • Honing networking skills to identify potential mentors, allies and support

SPEAKER: Jasmine Mbye, Founder, The Like Me CIC


Comfort break


Exploring the confidence conundrum: the power of knowing and demonstrating your worth

  • The confidence gap: reframing perceptions of capability
  • Acknowledging strengths and achievements to maintain a positive internal dialogue
  • Leveraging your strengths and tapping into the right resources
  • Defining your career goals and visualising success
  • Finding the courage to lead authentically

SPEAKER: Dr Vanessa Vallely OBE, CEO & Founder, WeAreTheCity and WeAreTechWomen


Preparing for Impact: Laying the groundwork for optimal communication

  • Top tips for delivering your message succinctly and confidently
  • Managing adrenaline to think clearly under pressure  
  • Holding attention in a hybrid environment  
  • Structuring your meetings and preparatory work for maximum effect  

SPEAKER: Cath Baxter, Professional Voice and Public Speaking Consultant & former Head of Voice, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts 


Break for lunch


Keynote Address:

A personal reflection on my leadership journey 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the skills, qualities and attributes needed to be a successful leader from an inspirational senior leader 

Panel Discussion:  
Resilience in Action: key lessons to take forward during challenging times

  • Develop a ‘what if’ mindset to better handle unexpected events
  • Managing and maintaining resilience through the planning, acute response and post-crisis stages
  • Asking for what you need, at home and at work  
  • Maintaining confidence in your abilities and worth during difficult times 

SPEAKER: Lucie Laker, Chief Data Officer, NHS Somerset


Leading a Change in Culture: Where do we go from here?  

  • Raising the visibility of women as senior leaders in public technology 
  • Leadership for all: challenging traditional leadership paths and behaviours
  • The importance lifting others as you climb 

SPEAKER: Nimmi Patel, Head of Skills Talent & Diversity, techUK


Chair's Closing Remarks


Nimmi Patel
Head of Skills, Talent and Diversity, techUK
Laura Bouchard
Trustee, Non-Executive, ex Microsoft & Apple
Lucie Laker
Chief Data Officer, NHS Somerset
Cath Baxter
Professional Voice and Public Speaking Consultant & former Head of Voice, Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts
Jasmine Mbye
Founder, The Like Me CIC
Dr Vanessa Vallely OBE
CEO & Founder, WeAreTheCity and WeAreTechWomen