Sneak peek: New agenda of Women into Leadership

Wed 26 Jul 2023

Sneak peek: New agenda of Women into Leadership

Next events in London, Manchester and Newcastle feature brand new breakout and plenary sessions with an overarching theme around thriving and flourishing as a leader. Read on to learn more

The conference series Women into Leadership is going from strength to strength, and the addition of Newcastle as a host of a brand-new regional event is a testament to that. The expansion also comes with renewed energy from the organising team, working full steam ahead for the next outings this year and in 2024. See the upcoming events on our website

Dods Events have been running Women into Leadership, in partnership with the FDA, for 13 years in a row, helping women in the civil service to hone and enhance their leadership skills to become the leaders they aspire to be. Responding to today's challenging times, the team has designed a new agenda with an overarching theme around thriving and flourishing as a leader.  

"Leadership over the past few years has been focused on crisis management, and now current and future leaders are looking to build themselves to be their best. The new agenda has been designed to provide women with the skills and inspiration to achieve that," says Kiren Kaur, Head of Portfolio and event organiser. "The new breakouts and plenary sessions are presented by high-calibre speakers who will inspire women to strive for their goals and offer actionable insights to assert authority, overcome gender stereotypes, build credibility and trust, and empower future generations," she adds.

The upcoming Women into Leadership events in London, Manchester and Newcastle have been designed with the new agenda, and below is a sneak peek of a few of these sessions. 

New session: Having impact from language to body language 

If you ever wonder what's the secret to impactful communication or the key tools you need to convey gravitas in a hybrid world, this session is for you. 

75% of our communication is non-verbal, whether online or face-to-face; hence understanding the critical elements of impactful communication is the first step in mastering your ability to influence others.  

"It's not what you say that matters but the manner in which you say it," says professional voice coach and public speaking expert Cath Baxter, the speaker at this workshop. In this session, she will draw your attention to what and how you are saying and show powerful tools to communicate with greater impact.  

Communicating for results: How to negotiate with confidence 

Are you comfortable asking for what you want and stating the desired results? The good news is that whether you are overflowing with confidence or feel like you could do more, this session will teach you how to communicate effectively when it counts. 

Presented by Cath Baxter, this session will provide you with actions you can implement that can empower you in your negotiations, whether that's a high-value contract, securing resources for your project, or looking to make your work conditions more favourable. 

Are you ready for a promotion? 

Suppose you would like to be taken through the selection process step-by-step by a former occupational psychologist and Senior Civil Servant who has trained and worked successfully for many years with hiring managers, panel chairs and hundreds of applicants. In that case, this is a session you don't want to miss. 

Presented by Richard Hillsdon, you will understand how prepared you are and what you need to do next to improve your approach in a supportive session. Hillsdon will offer real-life examples and valuable tips that have worked for others.  

Writing to impress: An interactive masterclass on selection and promotion 

Applying for jobs and promotions in the civil service requires applicants to know they must write persuasive personal statements and behaviour examples, which is not easy. The lack of specific narrative feedback after a sift panel is even more challenging.  

But what if you could come to a session having had a good think about how you have written these before to compare them with the efforts of those who have been successful?  

In this session, Hillsdon will get into the detail of writing your application, with real examples and an insight into what influences panels and how they will likely read what you write.  

The next Women into Leadership conference is in London on 19 September. Save the date and register

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